This website presents extracts from Helen Ingram, Dragging Down Heaven: Jesus as Magician and Manipulator of Spirits in the Gospels. If the text/layout is not compatible with your device, the thesis can be downloaded for free from the British Library at:
This website presents extracts from Helen Ingram, Dragging Down Heaven: Jesus as Magician and Manipulator of Spirits in the Gospels. If the text/layout is not compatible with your device, the thesis can be downloaded for free from the British Library at:
combination of bad weather, a lacklustre congregation and the unrelenting
desire of an overenthusiastic clergy to recreate the events of Holy Week in all
their magnificent detail, resplendent with rusty iron nails and large wooden
cross, had landed me with a speaking part in the trial narrative at St.
Bartholomew’s Church on Good Friday, Holy Week, 1998. I usually avoided
participation in readings and drama pieces since I didn't possess any religious faith of my own and merely worked for St. Barts as a wedding and funeral organist to earn a little cash-in-hand, besides my usual position at the organ was at a considerable distance to the main altar
and the inevitable pause in the proceedings while I descended from the loft to the main body of the church was impracticable and time-consuming.
Nevertheless, there were concerns that due to the poor turn-out for the Good
Friday service that year, there could potentially be more participants in the
reading of the trial narrative than seated in the congregation and so I was
enlisted in the minor role of the fictional character Jolbad, a cleaner in the
temple. When practicing my part before the service started, a few lines
immediately leapt out of the script at me. When testifying to Jesus’
miracle-working powers before Caiaphas, my character Jolbad says:
‘He…Jesus, that is…
He does
He does
magic tricks;
He does
tricks with fish and bread;
He does
tricks with trees;
threatens to move mountains and ruin our landscape.’
Was Jolbad
claiming that Jesus was like Harry Potter? Or David Blaine? Or even a witch?
events of that Good Friday would remain dormant until an undergraduate lecture
given by Prof. Mark Goodacre (who would later become my PhD thesis
supervisor) during my final undergraduate years at Birmingham University in
2001. The two-year New Testament studies course consisted of a series of
lectures intended to highlight the many roles applied to Jesus in Biblical Studies,
each being inserted or removed like a set of optician’s slides to see whether
the Gospel content became any clearer; Jesus the teacher, Jesus the prophet,
Jesus the healer, Jesus the exorcist and so forth. One of these lectures
introduced me to the character of ‘Jesus the magician’ and the work of Prof.
Morton Smith, who claimed that Jesus’ conduct within the Gospel material
constituted a ‘coherent, consistent and credible picture of a magician’s
The theory that the historical Jesus was actively practicing magic and that
this behaviour is reflected in the Gospel materials was a very intriguing
proposal and immediately stimulated a personal interest in this field of
‘A sound magician is a mighty
~ Christopher Marlowe, Doctor Faustus, Act I.
Scene I. ~